1 module plugin;
3 /**
4 *   Plugins must be made for a post-task for presets on generate.d
5 *   I don't still have much experience on how should I do it, but following a pattern will
6 *   really help at those things
7 */
8 abstract class Plugin
9 {
10     private import std.stdio:writeln;
11     /**
12     *   If it returned from main, the plugin should be processed
13     */
14     static int SUCCESS = 1;
15     /**
16     *   Should not process plugin
17     */
18     static int ERROR = 0;
19     /**
20     *   Target for getting the options inside bindbc-generate
21     */
22     abstract string target()
23     out(r)
24     {
25         if(r == "")
26             writeln("FATAL ERROR:\n\n\nPlugin target can't be null\n");
27         // assert(r != "", "FATAL ERROR:\n\n\nPlugin target can't be null\n");
28     }
29     /**
30     *   Gets the error reason
31     */
32     final int returnError(string err)
33     {
34         if(err.length <= 20)
35             writeln("Please provide better error messages for easier debugging");
36         error = err;
37         return Plugin.ERROR;
38     }
39     /**
40     *   Wether convertToD_Pipe can be called
41     */
42     abstract int main(string[] args)
43     out(r)
44     {
45         if(r != Plugin.SUCCESS && r != Plugin.ERROR)
46             writeln("Please, use Plugin.SUCCESS or Plugin.ERROR as your return value");
47     }
48     /**
49     *   Executed after main, this is the string to be processed/convert to D style declaration
50     */
51     abstract string convertToD_Pipe();
53     /**
54     *   Executed after generate processing
55     */
56     abstract int onReturnControl(string processedStr);
58     /**
59     *   Provides help information when every dll is loaded but no argument was passed
60     */
61     abstract string getHelpInformation()
62     out(r)
63     {
64         if(r == "")
65             writeln("Please provide help information");
66         else if(r.length <= 50)
67             writeln("Help information about plugin is essential\n
68             Think if you could elaborate it a bit more!");
69     }
71     /**
72     *   Internal use only, setting up this member yourself will have no effect
73     */
74     public bool hasFinishedExecution;
75     /**
76     *   Internal use only
77     */
78     public bool willConvertToD;
79     /**
80     *   Set it directly before returning or use returnError function
81     */
82     public string error;
83 }
85 mixin template PluginLoad()
86 {
87     import core.sys.windows.dll:SimpleDllMain;
88     mixin SimpleDllMain;
89 }